

One of the main strands of the Avon Stories project is a weekly podcast.  This is a series of interviews with people who are connected to the rivers and water in Bristol, whether directly or via a more tenuous link.

The subjects are deliberately eclectic, covering the physical river, history connected to it, art and artists who have made work about or alongside it, and about places connected to the river and people who work in them.

You can find the most recent podcasts here, and go back in chronological order, or find some under some very broad topics:

Some of the podcasts fall into multiple categories, so don’t be surprised to see them popping up in different places.  And while the walking category is specifically for podcasts recorded on walks, there are walking routes, maps and photos in the posts for many of the other podcasts too.

You can sign up for automatic podcast updates via the Avon Stories RSS and subscribe on iTunes or Soundcloud to make sure you hear all the future stories.


History podcasts from earliest times to modern


The physical rivers and people who work on them – about the structure of the rivers and the water in them


Art and artists – whose work may connect to the water directly or indirectly
  • Dr Shawn Sobers is a film-maker, photographer, curator and educator, whose work has included the TransAtlantic slave trade, the sinking of the SS Mendi in World War I, Emaperor Haile Selassie’s exile in Bath, and much more.  We went walking along the Avon in Lacock, the birthplace of British photography, and talked about various strands of Shawn’s work,
  • Back in 2007, artists Kayle Brandon and Heath Bunting were exploring Bristol in different, subversive ways, including their Avon Canoe Pilot project, wild swimming, and much more.
  • Poet and artist Dru Marland told me about living on the Kennet & Avon Canal, and about her work in general, and how it is influenced by boat life.   The podcast includes Dru reading some of her poetry.
  • Vocal artist Ellen Southern took me to see Over Bridge, an abandoned bridge to nowhere on the River Severn, and told me about how she makes work about this and other heritage sites.  The podcast includes sound pieces she made on the trip.
  • Nikki Pugh makes work that combines sculpture and GPS technologies to make objects used to explore and interact with our surroundings, and told me about it on a walk down the Avon
  • Poet, writer, performer and so much more, Edson Burton, talked about his creative life, and read one of his poems by the Harbour
  • Walking artist Richard White on his work, including his Sweet Waters project exploring the legacies of TransAtlantic slavery on the Avon


Podcasts recorded on walks – with maps and photographs (or ones that have maps with them)


Miscellaneous – which may end up under categories of their own
  • Pete Insole told me about the Know Your Place website, a fantastic resource to explore the history of Bristol through maps, photos, art-works, and more, using a wealth of different categories
  • Ben Barker has been involved in community development in the Avon-side neighbourhoods of Southville and Bedminster for over 25 years, and we talked about his approach, collaboration, and projects from the micro to the macro.
  • Every two years, the Harbour Master’s Office holds a Salvage Auction of boats that have been abandoned, seized or given away, with the proceeds going to the Harbour maintenance.  Auctioneer Graham Cockle told me about the 2018 auction, in this mini-episode.